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un sustainable goals'

Regular price R$ 524.101,63 BRL
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un sustainable goals'

Explore the transformative agenda of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and its impact on building a sustainable future for all. Dive into the key principles, targets, and global efforts driving positive change worldwide.

In today's world, the concept of sustainability plays a crucial role in shaping our collective future

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stand as a beacon of hope, outlining 17 interconnected goals designed to address global challenges and promote shared prosperity

From ending poverty and hunger to ensuring quality education and clean water, the SDGs provide a roadmap for a more equitable and sustainable world

By understanding and actively supporting these goals, individuals, communities, and nations can contribute to a brighter, more resilient future for generations to come

Embrace the journey towards a more sustainable and inclusive world by delving into the transformative agenda of the UN SDGs.

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